

with reveal-ck


Use Two Branches

  • master
  • gh-pages

master contains reveal-ck inputs


gh-pages contains generated slides

(contents of the slides/ directory)

Branch Creation

master is created by default when you use git.

Create gh-pages when you're ready to publish slides.

Follow these official instructions provided by github.

Branch Layout

Once you have two branches: master and gh-pages, where do clones live on your file system?

I suggest that master be cloned to wherever you want, and that you gitignore slides/. Then..

I suggest that you create a second clone in slides/ and keep this on the gh-pages branch.

If you do this.. you will naturally generate a fresh set of slides into slides/, then cd into that directory, commit, and push up.

Viewing Slides

Pushing to gh-pages will cause you to use Github Pages.

Your slides will be available at: http://$$project.


Item Value
$you jedcn
$project publishing-reveal-ck-slides
