
reveal-ck is a ruby gem, and it can be installed with a gem install reveal-ck. It requires Ruby 2.0 or greater.

Latest Version

You should be using the latest version of the gem. You can see which version you have by typing reveal-ck --version.

The latest version is Gem Version

First Slides

After you've got the latest version installed, you can verify that things are working by creating a first set of slides:

  1. Run the command echo "# Slides" > This will create a slides file in Markdown that contains a single slide.
  2. Run the command reveal-ck generate. This will generate a presentation in the slides directory.
  3. Open the file slides/index.html in a web browser. If you're on MacOS, you can run the command open slides/index.html.

You should see a reveal.js presentation with "Slides" in big text.