Slides with Markdown

You can create slides by following the rules of traditional markdown.

reveal.js has good support for the various html headings, regular text, ordered and unordered lists, and inline images.

Just create a file named and you should be off to the races, but, there are two important things to know:

Separating Slides

Slides are separated with ---, and there's no support for easily inserting the traditional horizontal rule.

Here are two slides:

# Slide 1


# Slide 2

Creating Speaker Notes

Speaker notes are created using the "fenced block" notation as follows:

(You must use either notes or note right after the fence)

# Slide 1

Notes for slide one.


# Slide 2

A note for slide two.

Remember that you activate presentation mode by pressing s while viewing your slides.

Also remember that slides must be served up from a web server in order for speaker mode to work. You can run reveal-ck's built-in webserver with reveal-ck serve.