
Let's say you had reveal-ck installed and wanted to make some slides..

Create a slides file

Begin by creating a file named slides.md.

Make it contain a title slide for your presentation:

# reveal-ck

## tutorial

by Jed Northridge / @jedcn


Separate Slides with ---

Use the triple-dash to separate content between your first slide and a second slide:

# reveal-ck

## tutorial

by Jed Northridge / @jedcn


## :thumbsup: for emoji

in your slides

Add some Images

Recall how to do an "inline image" in Markdown, and then add two new image slides:

# reveal-ck

## tutorial

by Jed Northridge / @jedcn


## :thumbsup: for emoji

in your slides


![Ruby Guide: Shut](http://poignant.guide/images/2007-cover-shut.jpg)



![Ruby Guide: Open](http://poignant.guide/images/2007-cover-open.jpg)


Please Note!

These images were created by Why the Lucky Stiff and are part of his Poignant Guide to Ruby. The guide is available here: http://poignant.guide/, and special thanks are in order to @mislav for taking care of this resource.

Generate a Presentation

Run the command reveal-ck generate.

Your slides will be created in the slides/ directory, and here's a what you'd get.

So far you've only written some Markdown, but you've just generated a full reveal.js presentation with Emoji and @mention support. Not bad!

Two Final changes

Let's explore two more changes that expose the spirit of reveal-ck.

Speaker Note

Add a speaker note to the bottom of your slides.md as follows:

![Ruby Guide: Shut](http://poignant.guide/images/2007-cover-shut.jpg)



![Ruby Guide: Open](http://poignant.guide/images/2007-cover-open.jpg)


This is a speaker note. It's only visible in presentation mode.

Activate presentation mode by pressing 's'.

Presentation mode only works when your slides are viewed on a
webserver. reveal-ck comes with one if you need it.

Theme Change

Create a file named config.yml:

theme: "sky"

With reveal-ck installed and these two files (slides.md and config.yml), run the command reveal-ck generate.

Your presentation will be updated in the slides/ directory, and here's what you would have.

Remember to see presentation mode by pressing s while you're viewing the slides!


  1. reveal.js is great.
  2. reveal-ck helps you build reveal.js presentations.
  3. reveal-ck encapsulates reveal.js details so that you remain focused on your content.
  4. You can write slides in Markdown, and this can help you get going quickly.
  5. You may be willing to learn more about reveal.js in exchange for fancier presentations. If that happens, reveal-ck is ready with support for html, erb, slim, haml, etc.